Sunday, February 27, 2011

Disconnected Relationship

PROBLEM: You live two different lifestyles & very rarely ever have time to hang out, or do cutesy things that aren’t involved in rushing around before one has to get to an appointment or to work – you feel disconnected from one another.

SOLUTION: We have created a list of solutions for you two…

#1: Plan out a day far in advance to take off all appointments/take off work – during the week is better because while everyone is working, you will feel “mischievous” for skipping your priorities (even though you already planned it out). Create this day to do WHATEVER you want. Get a hotel, take a small day trip, drink at the beach, play golf, dress silly, or don’t get out of bed. Whatever your style is!

#2: Wake up early for a walk with your significant other. You may be tired, but in the AM, you will get your endorphins moving and it will set your day off perfect.

#3: Leave notes around the house/or leave a note on the car – just telling them how much you love their presence and how much you miss them.

#4: Bend your schedule (& have them bend theirs) every now and then to make a little extra room for one another.

#5: Write out 10 things that you love about your S.O. and put it on the fridge for them to see.

Creating a routine for you and your S.O. (especially if you’re really busy) is crucial to insuring that you are both getting the attention that you need in your relationship. However, sometimes a little bend/break to the schedule to do something off kilter can really make a relationship go to WOW! When all else fails, write a love letter – leave his/her favorite candy on the bed – send lovey-dovey texts. Keep the drive alive.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Give A Little, Take A Little.

In every relationship - one has to give a little & one has to take a little in order to keep the boat afloat. It isn't always easy to listen to Danny's ramblings about stocks, bonds, and beyond; but then again, I'm sure he is over me chatting about anything fitness-related. Take time out of your day to do something a little different for your significant other to show that you actually listen to them during their ramblings - whether it's a small gift that has to do with something they mentioned or asking a question that pertains to the subject. Try to find a twist on their lifestyle that will actually keep you interested & engaged in the topic. Pay attention when they are talking - even if you are about to fall asleep, because lets face it - you will be rambling next and you'll want them to be paying attention to you.

* Start a 3 minute game. You both have 3 minutes to spill everything about your day. Ready, set, go... & yes, enforce the timer. It'll take out all the blah blah stuff and get right to the point, plus it's so funny to watch!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Picture.

We didn't take a whole lot of Christmas photos - but we found one of us, plus our little guy Jack & well, Coletta passed out in the background. Danny wasn't feeling too well & I was very tired, but we managed to make it a good night with the family. That's what Christmas is all about anyways! Baby Jesus & Family <3

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yoga & dinner date.

Tuesday nights consist of attending yoga at my fitness studio. Yes, Danny does attend yoga too, and no, I do not make him. Afterwards, we will usually have a light dinner - tonight, it consisted of a lean hamburger, steamed veggies & light rice. I personally like my hamburgers VERY well cooked. I am not a huge meat eater to begin with, so I cannot absolutely stand anything less than "burnt". Well, Danny is a good cook, but ugh, he brought it out with a pink center. Lost appetite immediately - therefore, my dinner consisted of: steamed veggies & light rice.

Call me high maintenance, but I just want my food cooked the way I like it.

xo, Push-Ups

P.S. He totally made it up by playing Family Feud with me :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year

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